IBM | Outthink Hidden AR

Fake Love

I was the Lead Creative Technologist at Fake Love for this project for IBM and The New York Times. 

The project itself resulted in a mobile app for IBM that tied in with the launch of the Hidden Figures movie that utilized AR and geolocation to allow people to place and photograph beautiful 3D rendered statues. The virtual statues were each an homage to pioneering women in the sciences that didn’t get appropriate recognition in their day. It also featured additional information about the scientists and the related film. It received thousands of downloads, and a full page ad in the New York Times.

Technologies used: Unity, AR (Vuforia because it was 2016), AWS, Google Maps integration. Cross-platform app was made available for iOS and Android and deployed to the App Store and Play store.

Selected Works

Pen Plotter WorkPersonal Projects

Circle DrawingsPersonal Project

Polarizer ArtworkPhysical artwork with linear polarizers

TV TelescopeWatching TV from a mile away

Extruded ScreenFiber optic filament display

You're on TVLive TV face swap

i miss you, neighborConnecting local strangers and friends

Self Destructive BehaviorScreen that slowly breaks itself

Hold TimePersonal photo blitz

Movie Stickers100,000 stickers in a room

7up | Music Lifts You UpCommercial Work

Google | Project Re:BriefCommercial Work

Shen Wei Dance ArtsArts Collaboration

Lexus | Trace Your RoadCommercial Work

IBM | Outthink Hidden ARCommercial Work

Samsung | Liquid CanvasCommercial Work

Other Professional WorkVarious Projects

Color A SoundAnalog/digital Instrument

Fake LoveFormer Experience Design Company

Sonic SculpturesPersonal Projects

street_crtPersonal Projects

Music VideosCollaborative video art

Older WorkPersonal Projects

Older Live Visuals WorkAudiovisual explorations 2006-2016